03 Feb 01:07 GMT

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Business Management
Business and Business Management Terms
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Collection owner:
truptee_n (3990 pts)

181 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
Acceptance स्वीकृती Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Accident अपघात Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Accomodation सोय Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Adjustment समायोजन Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Administration प्रशासन Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
affidavit प्रतिज्ञापत्र /शपथपत्र Written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true
Allowance भत्ता Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Approval मान्यता Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Argument (Law) युक्तिवाद xYfcI2 , [url=http://wfwhcpmygpim.com/]wfwhcpmygpim[/url], [link=http://ptb truptee_n 
Bill विधेयक Government. a form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislatur truptee_n 
Bona fide act सद्भावपूर्ण कृती Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Bone of contention वादविषय Subject of dispute truptee_n 
Bonus अधिलाभांश Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Breach of contract करारभंग /संविदाभंग Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Breach of trust विश्वासघात Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
bribery लाचलुचपत The practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illi
Broad outline स्थूल आराखजा Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Budget अर्थसंकल्प Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Budgetary अर्थसंकल्पीय Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 
Certificate प्रमाणपत्र Business/Commerce (general) truptee_n 

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